How To Apply A Fake Bake Coconut Tanning Serum?

Generally, self tanning has become an integral part of the beauty routine because people look better with their skin tanned. And a long time ago, the only tanning option people had was sun tanning. Now, that has changed. They can now apply a self tanner to their body and get the desired results in a few hours.

That’s why the demand for self tanners keeps growing by the day. And to cash in on the demand, skincare brands have come up with numerous self tanning products. One of them is the coconut tanning serum that we’re talking about in this article. This product took the world by storm because of its efficacy. When you apply it, you’ll see results in less than two hours.

How To Apply Fake Bake Coconut Tanning Serum?

Step 1 – You need to shave your skin about 24 hours before applying the serum. Your hair can hinder the penetration of the skin.

Step 2 – Exfoliate your skin immediately after shaving it. You want to remove all the impurities and dead skin cells that will prevent the tanner from penetrating your skin.

Step 3 – Cleanse your skin. You can wash it with shower gel and water or apply a cleanser.

Step 4 – After that, you can wait for it to dry up. It may be counterproductive to apply the serum on wet skin.

Step 5 – Self tanners work best on well-moisturized skin. So, you need to apply a moisturizer to your skin. Apply a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer.

Step 6 – Wait for your skin to absorb the moisturizer fully. This should take only 5 minutes.

Step 7 – You can now pump the product on your hands and rub it in both hands before applying it to the skin in a circular motion. To prevent your hands from getting stained, you need to wear the waterproof gloves that come with the product before applying it. Bend your elbows and knees when applying the serum to these areas.

Different tanners come with different application instructions. Ensure you follow the instructions written on the body of the serum. You’ll get the best results that way.

Step 8 – Wait for the serum to dry up. Many articles suggest that you should wait for about 10 minutes for the tanner to dry up before you wear your clothes. We will suggest the addition of another 5 minutes to the wait. It’s okay to make it a 15-minute affair.

After that, you can wear loose clothing, but you should still stay away from rigorous activities to prevent sweating. You could also wait for up to 8 hours before you take your first shower.

Step 9 – This is the final step. You should rinse off the guide color with warm water after the serum has fully developed.

What Are The key Ingredients Of The Tanning Serum?

Like Other Tanning Products, This Serum Has A Long List Of Ingredients, But Here Are The key Ones.

  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) – This acid is present in every tanning product because it reacts with the pigments of the skin to darken it temporarily. This reaction gives off certain smells that users don’t like. The smell depends on the skin type it is applied to. However, you don’t have to worry about the smell because newer tanners have an ingredient that blocks the smell. That’s why this coconut tanning serum will not give any offensive odor.
  • Coconut oil – This oil helps to slow down the aging of the skin. And it nourishes, firms, and moisturizes the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid – This acid also performs the same functions as coconut oil. It soothes the skin and keeps it moisturized.
  • Glycerin – This is a powerful humectant that facilitates the repair and replacement of worn-out tissues of the skin.
  • Silk Amino Acids – This is another anti-aging ingredient that prevents hydration and wrinkles on the skin. It keeps the skin smooth, soft, and silky.

Tanning Tips:

To Get The Best Results, You Need To Apply The Following Tips

  • After the full development of the serum, you need to rinse off the guide color using warm water.
  • Bend your elbows and knees when applying the serum to these areas.
  • You want to exfoliate the skin before applying the tanner.
  • Take the time to shake the serum gently before applying it.
  • To prevent your hands from getting stained, you need to wear the waterproof gloves that come with the product before applying it.
  • Pump the product on your hands and rub it in both hands before applying it to the skin in a circular motion.

Features Of The Coconut Serum:

  • Its quantity is 148ml.
  • It has a cosmetic guide color that aids application.
  • The product is suitable for normal, oily, and dry skin types.
  • The tanner develops fully in about 4 to 6 hours, but you can leave it for up to 8 hours to achieve a deeper tan.
  • It gives the following skin tones – dark, medium, and fair.

How Long Does Fake Bake Flawless Tan last?

If you follow the steps above to apply the serum, it should last for about 5 to 7 days before it starts to fade. There are two things you have to remember. First, if you moisturize your skin regularly after the application of the serum, it could last a little longer.

Second, regular moisturization also helps it to fade out evenly and gracefully. And if your tan fades evenly, it’s always cool.

Can You Put Fake Bake Flawless Darker On Your Face?

The product is formulated for sensitive skin and other types of skin. So, it is suitable for different skin types. On that note, you can apply it to your face too. However, if you suffer from skin allergies, you may need to consult your doctor before you apply it to your skin.

How Often Can You Apply Fake Bake Flawless?

The answer to this question depends on what you want to achieve. If you’re able to get the desired skin tone after the first application, you can keep applying it once a week. On the other hand, if you need a deeper, darker tan, you may have to build up to it by applying the serum every day or every two days until you achieve your aim. Then, you can revert to a once-a-week application thereafter.

Can You Leave Fake Bake On Overnight?

Yes, you can leave it overnight. In fact, this is advised for full development to take place. However, you must wait for at least 15 minutes after the application before you wear your pajamas and hit your bed. By the time you wake up, the tanner would have developed completely.

What Happens If You Leave Fake Bake On Too Long?

Nothing serious will happen if you leave it on your body for long. In fact, the longer you leave it on your body, the better results you will get. You can leave it for an hour before you wear your clothes or put them on after the required 15 minutes. It boils down to a personal choice.

Also, it takes a maximum of 8 hours to develop fully, but you can wait several hours longer before you take a shower. It’s all good. What will really make the difference is the regular application of a moisturizer. And you should also apply sunscreen if you’ll be going out under the sun.

Can I Mix Fake Bake With Lotion?

Yes, you can mix the serum with your body lotion or your moisturizer. One of the reasons for its popularity is its compatibility with all lotions, oils, and creams. Therefore, you can mix it with your lotion and apply the mixture to your body for a gradual build-up tan.

How To Apply A Fake Bake Coconut Tanning Serum

Final Thoughts

You’ll get a great tan from this serum, but you must follow the right instructions. Furthermore, we’re recommending the coconut serum because it is very easy to apply with gloves or a mitt. The product gives instant results, but you’ll only wait for 10 to 15 minutes before you start seeing results. To make it last longer, you should always keep your skin moisturized. And more importantly, you must apply sunscreen if you must go out in the sun.

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